Cheshire Business and Skills Conference

Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:00 – 15:30 GMT

This FREE conference is aimed at businesses throughout Cheshire & Warrington and will provide information on: 

  • current training provision within our area (including T-Levels, Apprenticeships, Bootcamps) 
  • accessing funding (including transfer of Apprenticeship Levy and Access to Work) 
  • gaining a better understanding of inclusion, young people and developing from within 
  • making key connections with local colleges and training providers 

You will also have an opportunity to become part of influencing our local colleges, so they provide the courses you need, to develop your existing and future workforce in a way that works for you. 

This event is a great opportunity to make key contacts with the people who can help make your job easier! 

Register for your FREE ticket here.

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